So you'll enjoy this story of fail...I queued for LFR before the servers went down (We got to Hagara but didn't down her so I get to do it again) and I was healing on Druit so I could get the roll bonus on weapons and trinkets.
I just started healing as an off spec on him and I was doing everything right and was 2nd in heals on Morchok and then 4th on the Zon'ozz. I was okay with that since I have no dedicated healing gear/using the Boomkin 4 piece, etc.
I knew servers were going down so I decided to switch to DPS for Yor'sahj just to get it down quicker and not miss out on that one. My DPS was really low. I was 10th which never happens in LFR. Half way through the fight I notice why.
I didn't have a weapon equipped the entire time.
My first reaction was "Wow, I fail." Then I was like, "Wait a minute I was 2nd and 4th in healing without a weapon. My fail is better than a lot of LFR's success." That cancels it out, right? RIGHT?!